Practice Manager
Hana started as an apprentice with KMS Professionals in 2015 and quickly proved herself to be a valuable member of the team. She has had several promotions and in 2018 was appointed practice manager as well as assistant team leader. In her spare time Hana likes socialising with her colleague Megan. “I hope to be the friendly voice when you call in to Mr Ellis’ practice and I look forward to helping you in booking appointments, answering and managing any queries you may have and overseeing your treatment and care with Mr Ellis”

I am responsible for co-ordinating Mr Ellis’s medico-legal practice. Whilst the team makes the appointments I liaise with solicitors - sending CVs, answering enquiries, providing dates to avoid, arranging expert conferences, collating notes and medical records - but most importantly chasing Mr Ellis to get the reports done!

I have been Mr Ellis’ credit controller for three years. Working closely with Victoria, I process all payments from insurers and patients; you may hear from me if your insurer has paid in part with the remaining balance to be settled by yourself. If you have any concerns with arranging payment, please do contact me as soon as possible and I will be able to help you.. I have contact with all major insurers and can normally assist with any queries that you may have or point you in the right direction. The direct number for credit control is 0203 282 7280 where myself or one of the team can help you.